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Ko muzikant od doma roma – Ein musikant kennt kein zuhause (I. Brüggemann) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] [Accompaniment track]

Ko muzikant od doma roma (Slovenian for “When a Musician Roams from Home”) or Ein Musikant kennt kein Zuhause (German for “A Musician Knows No Home”) is a waltz from the early 1980s, composed by Ingrid (Inge) Huberti (née Campestrini, Brüggemann). A highly influential and versatile Austrian musician, vocalist, lyricist, and yodeler, Huberti was a […]

Ko muzikant od doma roma – Ein musikant kennt kein zuhause (I. Brüggemann) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] [Accompaniment track] Read More »

Razposajene Harmonike – Harmonikas, Los! (I. Brüggemann) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

“Razposajene Harmonike” (Slovenian for “Cheerful accordions”) or “Harmonikas, Los!” (German for “Accordions, let’s go!”) is a fast instrumental waltz for the accordion written by Ingrid (Inge) Huberti (née Campestrini, Brüggemann), an extraordinary vocalist, accordionist, lyricist, composer, and yodeler from Austria who has contributed immensely to the Oberkrainer style of Alpine folk music. Ingrid has written

Razposajene Harmonike – Harmonikas, Los! (I. Brüggemann) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] Read More »

V prostem času – Freizeit Polka (B. Prešeren) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

This is a very unique and beautiful polka by Brane Prešeren (legendary Slovenian trumpet player Ivan Prešeren’s brother) and released by Alpski Kvintet (Alpenoberkrainer) from Slovenia in 1986. The Slovenian title, ‘V prostem času’ means ‘In my spare time’, and the German title, ‘Freizeit’ pretty much means the same thing (‘Spare time’ or ‘Leisure time’).

V prostem času – Freizeit Polka (B. Prešeren) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] Read More »

Hegl Boarischer – Rehragout Boarischer (Bavarian folk song) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

This is a traditional folk song which is said to have originated from Bavaria, known as ‘Rehragout Boarischer’ which translates to ‘Venison stew’ and is a Boarischer (basically a slower paced 2/4 dance from Bavaria). In the 1980s it was adapted by an incredibly popular Austrian folk music group from Tirol, Zillertaler Schürzenjäger, as ‘Hegl

Hegl Boarischer – Rehragout Boarischer (Bavarian folk song) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] Read More »

V pomladnih dneh – Luisen Polka (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

This is an instrumental polka by legendary Slovenian popular folk music and Oberkrainer music composer and accordionist Jože Burnik. The Slovenian title “V pomladnih dneh” translates to “In spring days” and was recorded originally in the 1960s by Ansambel Jožeta Burnika, then either in the late 1970s or early 1980s by Alpski Kvinet/Alpenoberkrainer from Slovenia with

V pomladnih dneh – Luisen Polka (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] Read More »

Srečno otroštvo (R. Smolnikar) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

This waltz titled “Srečno otroštvo” means “Happy childhood” and was written by Robert Smolnikar, a highly regarded Slovenian accordionist who performed in one of Slovenia’s highest calibre Slovenian folk-pop music and Oberkrainer style ensembles called Štajerskih 7 (which means Styrian 7, relating to the region of Slovenian Styria, not to be mistaken with the bordering

Srečno otroštvo (R. Smolnikar) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] Read More »

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