Jože Burnik

Otožnost – Wie ein Blatt im Wind (J. Burnik) [Sheet music]

“Otožnost” (Slovenian for “Sadness”) or “Wie ein Blatt im Wind” (German for “Like a leaf in the wind”) is a beautiful waltz by Slovenian composer and accordionist Jože Burnik, who is most known for his work with the legendary Alpski Kvintet (Alpenoberkrainer) from Slovenia as well as his unique take on the Oberkrainer style of […]

Otožnost – Wie ein Blatt im Wind (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] Read More »

V pomladnih dneh – Luisen Polka (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

This is an instrumental polka by legendary Slovenian popular folk music and Oberkrainer music composer and accordionist Jože Burnik. The Slovenian title “V pomladnih dneh” translates to “In spring days” and was recorded originally in the 1960s by Ansambel Jožeta Burnika, then either in the late 1970s or early 1980s by Alpski Kvinet/Alpenoberkrainer from Slovenia with

V pomladnih dneh – Luisen Polka (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] Read More »

Rad te imam – Auf nach Kranjska Gora (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] [Tutorial video]

‘Rad te imam’ (Slovenian for ‘I like you’) or better known by its German title ‘Auf nach Kranjska Gora’ (which means ‘Off to Kranjska Gora‘) is a polka by Jože Burnik and recorded by Alpski Kvintet (Alpenoberkrainer) in the early 1980s. It has also been performed on YouTube by Ansambel Juhej from Slovenia as “Veselo

Rad te imam – Auf nach Kranjska Gora (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] [Tutorial video] Read More »

Sehnsuchtswalzer (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

Sehnsuchtswalzer (German for “Waltz of longing”) was recorded by legendary Slovenian folk music and Oberkrainer music composer and accordionist, Jože Burnik, and one of Slovenia’s most popular zither players, Miha Dovžan, in the early 1990s. Burnik was the accordion player in Alpski Kvintet (Alpenoberkrainer) from Slovenia throughout the 1970s, who later performed with other Austrian

Sehnsuchtswalzer (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] Read More »

Plavi Encijan – Blauer Enzian (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video]

“Plavi Encijan” (German: “Blauer Enzian”) translates to “Blue Enzian” (Enzian is also known as Gentian, an alpine flower with an intense blue colour). It was written by legendary Slovenian popular folk and Oberkrainer style accordionist and composer Jože Burnik (best known for his instrumentals “Dobro Jutro” or “Guten Morgen” and “Polka Express”, etc), and recorded

Plavi Encijan – Blauer Enzian (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] Read More »

Proti Mariboru – Flotte Harmonika (J. Burnik) [Sheet music]

‘Proti Mariboru’ or ‘Flotte Harmonika’ by Jože Burnik (Slovenia) was recorded by Edi Semeja on accordion with Alpski Kvintet (Alpenoberkrainer) in the 1990s. It isn’t a widely played song but is another great instrumental which is fun to play on the accordion. Sheet music: 📝 Sheet music pdf (G key)

Proti Mariboru – Flotte Harmonika (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] Read More »

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