Australia 🇦🇺

Sonce in sneg – Sonne und schnee – Sunshine and snow (F. Lutter & P. Nadvesnik) [Sheet music]

‘Sonne und schnee’ (Sunshine and snow in English, or Sonce in sneg in Slovenian) is an instrumental waltz by Felix Lutter from Northern Bavaria in Germany, and myself. It was written during a heat wave where I live, and a snowstorm where Felix lives, which inspired the name. Felix is a good friend, and an […]

Sonce in sneg – Sonne und schnee – Sunshine and snow (F. Lutter & P. Nadvesnik) [Sheet music] Read More »

Šikana Polka – Fast Polka (P. Grivic) [Sheet music]

Šikana Polka (translates from Slovene to ‘Fast Polka’) was written for the diatonic button accordion (Slo: Diatonična harmonika, Ger: Steirische harmonika) by Peter Grivic, a fellow Slovenian-Australian who I’ve had the pleasure of performing with many times in our trio Alpski Muzikantje (Alpen Musikanten). Peter has had a successful musical journey, performing for many Alpine/Oberkrainer

Šikana Polka – Fast Polka (P. Grivic) [Sheet music] Read More »

Ko se začne pomlad – Wenn der Frühling beginnt (P. Nadvesnik) [Sheet music]

I came up with this song in the first weeks of spring this year and it translates to “When spring begins”. Hopefully none of it comes from any existing song that I’ve heard before. I hope I might come up with more in the future, as it’s a very interesting and new experience. This song

Ko se začne pomlad – Wenn der Frühling beginnt (P. Nadvesnik) [Sheet music] Read More »

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