Sonce in sneg – Sonne und schnee – Sunshine and snow (F. Lutter & P. Nadvesnik) [Sheet music]

‘Sonne und schnee’ (Sunshine and snow in English, or Sonce in sneg in Slovenian) is an instrumental waltz by Felix Lutter from Northern Bavaria in Germany, and myself. It was written during a heat wave where I live, and a snowstorm where Felix lives, which inspired the name. Felix is a good friend, and an excellent accordionist from Germany who I’ve done several collaborations with, and has a strong commitment and passion for the Oberkrainer style of Alpine folk music.

We received additional help with the arrangement and mix from the guitar and bass players we collaborated with: Daniel Kurej from Carinthia (Kärnten) in Austria on guitar, and Andre Volderauer from Tyrol (Tirol) in Austria on bass. They are both in their twenties and are brilliant musicians in several Oberkrainer style bands from Austria.

The story of our collaboration is a great example of how Slovenian/Oberkrainer and Alpine folk music (like many other styles) transcends several geographical and linguistic borders, and unites people who share the same passion. It started by posting an Instagram story with my melody (part A), to which completely unexpectedly, Felix responded with a video of parts B and C on his accordion. Daniel and Andre soon followed, offering to collaborate with us on a recording and advice.

Thank you Felix, Daniel and Andre for your collaboration and expertise! I hope you enjoy our composition, recording, and free sheet music for accordion.


📝 Sheet music pdf (E major)

「Sonce in sneg – Sonne und schnee – Sunshine and snow (F. Lutter & P. Nadvesnik) [Sheet music]」への4件のフィードバック

  1. This is such a nice song! It is a pleasure to listen to and I look forward to one day playing it. Please keep collaborating and let me know when the full album comes out!

  2. Reinhold Koller

    Great song, great groove. After listening to it for very first time I fall in love in this walz.
    As I Play sometimes together with Bariton, would it also be available in Eb ?

    1. Hi Reinhold, thank you for your lovely comment, it means a lot to me. I don’t have sheets available in Eb yet, but please contact me privately if you’d still like the Eb version.


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