
Cover art of 'The Storyteller'

Andrej Toplišek’s experimental Oberkrainer music project “The Storyteller”

Andrej Toplišek is a Slovenian musician at the forefront of experimental Slovenian and Alpine folk music in the ‘Oberkrainer’ style which was created over half a century ago by the Avsenik brothers from Slovenia. I’ve previously written about his projects Postkarte aus Slowenien and Tradicija in Umetnost as well as his accordion method book. I’d like to tell you about his new album “The Storyteller” because it pushes even more boundaries than his previous projects, and is again an album created with a specific intention and purpose. And like his other projects, this one can be listened to again and again, without it getting old. The Storyteller “The Storyteller” (“Pripovedovalec […]

Andrej Toplišek’s experimental Oberkrainer music project “The Storyteller” 続きを読む »

Free template set list for accordionists

Recently I’ve been trying to get more organised with my trio, and define structured set lists which I print and hand out to each band member at the arrival of a gig (no, I wasn’t doing this previously – yes, I live life dangerously). While creating my set list, I initially looked for free templates online, but didn’t find any that suited my needs. In my trio’s case, we play folk music from the alps, featuring mostly polkas and waltzes, so unlike many of the set list templates available online, I don’t need or want to specify the BPM (beats per minute), or the original artist, or the song’s duration

Free template set list for accordionists 続きを読む »

Common accordion runs in Oberkrainer and Alpine style waltzes – 12 pages [Exercise sheets]

Last year I compiled a collection of common accordion runs in Oberkrainer and Alpine Folk Music style polkas, into a 12 page PDF (linked here). It was about time I followed it up with another collection of exercises, this time going through the most common accordion runs in waltzes within the Oberkrainer and Alpine Folk Music style, in every major key, including bass runs and an example of treble fingering that most people should find useful. These sheets serve as valuable practice exercises or handy references, and are not the same as fingering for scales. Feel free to use them to enhance your skills (eg. a daily or weekly routine)

Common accordion runs in Oberkrainer and Alpine style waltzes – 12 pages [Exercise sheets] 続きを読む »

Common accordion runs in Oberkrainer style polkas – 12 pages [Exercise sheets]

If you’re familiar with Oberkrainer or Alpine style polkas, you’ve probably noticed the abundance of accordion runs that can be easily learned and customized. In this downloadable exercise sheet, I have compiled some of the most commonly used accordion treble runs in every major key. I’ve included examples of the fingering I like to use, as well as basic bass runs. These sheets serve as valuable practice exercises or handy references when learning songs by ear. Feel free to use them to enhance your skills or as a helpful resource for perfecting your repertoire. If you liked this, let me know in the comments below (any ideas and feedback are

Common accordion runs in Oberkrainer style polkas – 12 pages [Exercise sheets] 続きを読む »

Andrej Toplišek’s new Oberkrainer and Jazz creations – “Tradicija in umetnost” and “Hometown suite”

Andrej Toplišek’s first independent Oberkrainer album after his time with Okrogli Muzikantje (Runden Oberkrainer) was a LP called “Postkarte aus Slowenien” which he released in 2019. I wrote about it then (linked here), simply because it was the first time in years that I’ve been so excited about a new album in the Narodnozabavna and Oberkrain genre, not to mention it being the first Oberkrainer vinyl with new material since the last pressings around 1990. The only reason I’m writing about his new albums this time, is the same. He’s created something new and exciting, and I hope that by talking about it, a few more Oberkrainer fans can enjoy

Andrej Toplišek’s new Oberkrainer and Jazz creations – “Tradicija in umetnost” and “Hometown suite” 続きを読む »

Denis Novato sheet music book #2

I’m very grateful to have been offered the opportunity to contribute to Denis Novato’s second book, published by Musikverlag Bogner in Germany. This book contains 10 Novato compositions, in both Griffschrift notation for Steirische Harmonika (diatonic button accordion) by Hubert Klausner (zillertal-noten.at) and standard notation for accordion by myself. It is accompanied by a CD of these 10 polkas and waltzes. The book is available for purchase on bognermusik.de or directly through Denis.

Denis Novato sheet music book #2 続きを読む »
