
Uncovering information on the rare O.R.A Alpin piano accordions

Last year I purchased an intriguing accordion from willhaben.at, a second hand Alpin IIIC by O.R.A Castelfidardo, whose only label on the instruments reads “Harmonikafabrik O.R.A”. (Shoutout to the seller Roman, who was very transparent and helpful during the sale, and my friend Klemens who visited Roman and provided videos for me 🙋‍♂️👋.) Several things appealed to me: – its light weight for a 120 bass accordion with cassotto,– its age (estimated around 1980s or early 1990s), – unusually traditional design that resembles more of a Steirische harmonika (curved ends of the keyboard),– unusually lighter colour of an alpine piano accordion, – slightly wet musette and a loud Oberkrainer sound, […]

Uncovering information on the rare O.R.A Alpin piano accordions 続きを読む »

Accordions played by Slavko Avsenik

The sound of Slavko and Vilko Avsenik’s ensemble (Slo: Ansambel bratov Avsenik, Ger: Slavko Avsenik und seine Original Oberkrainer) had many moving parts that contributed to the legendary sound which evolved throughout their career spanning from the 1950s to the 1990s. Technique, band members, advancements in sound engineering, arrangements by Vilko Avsenik and combinations of instruments evolved with each album and each decade. This includes the evolution of each accordion that Slavko Avsenik recorded and performed with.

Accordions played by Slavko Avsenik 続きを読む »

Which accordion will give you the Slovenian Oberkrainer sound?

When I started my search for a piano accordion with a typical Slovenian (Oberkrainer) sound (see Avsenik, Alpenoberkrainer, etc), I had no idea what to look for. Further information was hard to obtain through research of my own, so I had to turn to contacts from central Europe who were happy to explain what they use and what makes the sound that we know and love (as well as using Google Translate on German and Slovenian accordion forums). I hope the following information can assist anyone who is looking for that sound and not sure where to start, particularly outside of central Europe where it is difficult to find this

Which accordion will give you the Slovenian Oberkrainer sound? 続きを読む »

Slovenian diatonic button accordion (Steirische harmonika): how to start

This is a list of resources I’ve compiled for learning and finding a Slovenian or Austrian diatonic button accordion, targeted to those who live outside of central Europe, where it can be difficult to find the resources and assistance to get started with it. I’ve been asked a few times for help on how to get started, what instrument to get and where to buy one, so I hope this can assist others wanting to take up this instrument.

Slovenian diatonic button accordion (Steirische harmonika): how to start 続きを読む »

An easy way to clean metal accordion grills

After researching methods to clean metal accordion grills without successfully finding an easy and not so risky approach (commonly discussed methods included having to remove the grill cloth then using a metal polish such as Brasso), a fellow accordionist recommended the Mayflower Metal Care Cloth which apparently can be used on your accordion’s grill without affecting the grill cloth underneath.

An easy way to clean metal accordion grills 続きを読む »
