Denis Novato sheet music book #2

I’m very grateful to have been offered the opportunity to contribute to Denis Novato’s second book, published by Musikverlag Bogner in Germany. This book contains 10 Novato compositions, in both Griffschrift notation for Steirische Harmonika (diatonic button accordion) by Hubert Klausner ( and standard notation for accordion by myself. It is accompanied by a CD of these 10 polkas and waltzes.

The book is available for purchase on or directly through Denis.

Songs in this book

1. Alter Zug – Stara lokomotiva
2. Beim Flek
3. Beim Winkler
4. Fahrt bei nacht
5. Fern von Freunden
6. In der Bucht von Sydney

7. Papa’s lachen
8. Rundflug mit Hansi
9. Sommernächte

10. Ich denk an dich

3 thoughts on “Denis Novato sheet music book #2”

  1. Bonjour,
    Je me permets de vous écrire en français car je ne maîtrise pas l’anglais et assez faiblement l’allemand.
    J’apprécie beaucoup le style “O berkrainer”.
    Je serais interressé par les partitions (pour accordéon) de certains morceaux dont voici une liste , (non exhaustive) :
    Leidl Polka; Dort, wo unserevheimat ist; Begrüssungspolka-Wir grüssen euch; Frühschoppen Polka; Dort wo das edelweiss blûht; Dunkle Wälder; Liebes Mädchen kopmm; Zemlja Domaca; Razposajena harmonica; Vincenzo’s; Na krizarjenju et Pod oknom;
    Faites – moi s’il vous plaît, savoir, en français, comment procéder pour le règlementpar ( carte visa)
    Merci d’avance

    Sincères salutations.
    Guy Déxhamp

  2. Hallo Philip,
    I am a follower and fan off your website an i bought a lot off your sheets. But the book from Dennis is to difficult for me and I don’t like so much technical music. This may be good for young boys who want grow up to a world champion but not for me and thousends of “Hobby-musicans”. Only technical play will made lonlely for the player but not for the normal listener who like the Oberkrainer music and harmonys.


    1. Hi Bernd,
      Thanks for your ongoing support, and your comment. The book has a mix of technical songs, and easier melodical songs, like “Fern von freunde”, “Beim winkler”, “Papas lachen” and so on. Unfortunately these songs are not performed much, but they are lovely. Here are some videos of these songs:
      Greetings from Australia,

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