Rudi Bardorfer (1933-2000) is one of my favourite Slovenian composers and accordionists, who recorded several albums with his trio, Ansambel Rudija Bardorferja and vocalists Vokalni Kvartet Zvonček, throughout the 1950s to 1970s, before having to exile to Switzerland due to political conflicts. The national Slovene (Yugoslav) broadcaster at the time had stopped playing his music, the ensemble disabanded, and his songs had almost become forgotten to time, with the exception of the 1 RTV Ljubljana album and several Jugoton and Radio-Televizija Beograd records that have remained in homes of Slovene families. In his new life in Switzerland and later Austria, he continued to write songs for Slovenian ensembles, run a recording studio, and even bought a small Italian accordion factory (among other achivements).
So here is my cheap PDF ‘book’ of 10 Rudi Bardorfer songs which I have transcribed and arranged for solo accordion (suitable for trios).
If you like these songs as much as I do, then I will gladly make a 2nd edition.
📝 Sheet music PDF – 10 songs
- Bled, ti moj Bled – Waltz
- Brez slovesa – Waltz
- Med starimi znanci – Polka
- Na Izlake – Polka
- Po gladkih stezah – Polka
- Po Savinjski Dolini – Polka
- Pod oknom – Waltz
- Pomlad v Brdih – Waltz
- Pomladna Idila – Polka
- Zimska – Polka
Hi Phillip,
Is sheet music available for, ‘ Tu je moj dom ‘ as composed by Roman Zupancic ?
Published on you tube on Jan 25/19 and performed by Prifarci Muzikanti with singer Roman bostjan.
Hvala in advance, for your reply.
Bernie Vessel
Hi Bernie,
Unfortunately I don’t have the sheets for these. Best of luck with your search.