Po svoji poti grem – Ich gehe meinen weg (A. Toplišek) [Sheet music]

This is a vocal waltz by Andrej Toplišek from Slovenia which translates to “I’m going my own way”. It was recorded by Okrogli Muzikantje (Runden Oberkrainer) in 2002 (in the key of B) which was sung by Andrej, and by Andrej Toplišek Septett in 2019 (in the key of A) which was sung by another Oberkrainer legend, Sandi Jug. I’ve provided arrangements in either key, which both go to the key of E in the second part, and the key of F in the third part. This is one of my favourite older waltzes by Andrej, who has now made 2 albums (including on vinyl) with his newer ensemble, Andrej Toplišek Septett, which I absolutely recommend purchasing. Toplišek ranks as one of the highest quality composers, arrangers and musicians in the Oberkrainer genre in the 21st century. I’ll add that the original guitarist from Okrogli Muzikantje, Franci Vrbovšek sadly passed away recently, who had many fans in the Oberkrainer music community.

Sheet music:

📝 Sheet music pdf (A) + 📝 Sheet music pdf (B)

Newer version sung by Sandi Jug and Mojca Bitenc Križaj
Original version performed live by Okrogli Muzikantje

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