This is a traditional folk song which is said to have originated from Bavaria, known as ‘Rehragout Boarischer’ which translates to ‘Venison stew’ and is a Boarischer (basically a slower paced 2/4 dance from Bavaria). In the 1980s it was adapted by an incredibly popular Austrian folk music group from Tirol, Zillertaler Schürzenjäger, as ‘Hegl Boarischer’, despite not crediting it as a folk song initially (later compilation albums did). According to some sources ‘Hegl’ is a Tyrolean dialect term for a pleasant young person, or possibly for a young boy. Although both versions have lyrics in part C, it can also be played as an instrumental, and is often played on the Styrian diatonic button accordion (Steirische Harmonika). It is covered by a range of folk music groups from ‘Echte Volksmusik’ (original traditional Bavarian or Austrian folk music) to contemporary Alpine folk music (Volksmusik) groups.
Sheet music and accompaniment package
📝 Sheet music pdf (C major) + 🎵 Accompaniment mp3 (C major, 105bpm)

📝 Sheet music pdf (C major)
Accompaniment track
🎵 Accompaniment mp3 (C major, 105bpm)