Slovenian ‘Oberkrainer’ accordion rhythm technique for waltzes

For a brief historical explanation of the technique and a video on how to use this technique in polkas, click on the article below. Waltzes in the Oberkrainer accordion rhythm technique (Slo: tresanje or spremljavo, Ger: begleitung) involve playing chords in quavers (eighth notes) repeatedly and smoothly in 3/4 time, with no bellow shaking. Below

Slovenian ‘Oberkrainer’ accordion rhythm technique for waltzes Read More »

What I learnt from a bad experience with a Tyrolean accordion company

In 2013 I wrote about my experience with Lanzinger Harmonikas. I provided screenshots of emails and timelines, but it was lengthy and opinionated. After the passing of the company’s founder I reflected and removed those articles. In my career so far as a software developer, I have learnt the value of transparency and honesty with

What I learnt from a bad experience with a Tyrolean accordion company Read More »

Slovenian diatonic button accordion (Steirische harmonika): how to start

This is a list of resources I’ve compiled for learning and finding a Slovenian or Austrian diatonic button accordion, targeted to those who live outside of central Europe, where it can be difficult to find the resources and assistance to get started with it. I’ve been asked a few times for help on how to

Slovenian diatonic button accordion (Steirische harmonika): how to start Read More »

An easy way to clean metal accordion grills

After researching methods to clean metal accordion grills without successfully finding an easy and not so risky approach (commonly discussed methods included having to remove the grill cloth then using a metal polish such as Brasso), a fellow accordionist recommended the Mayflower Metal Care Cloth which apparently can be used on your accordion’s grill without affecting

An easy way to clean metal accordion grills Read More »

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