Majski ples – Tanz im Mai (F. Mihelič) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video]

Majski ples (Slovenian for “May Dance”) or Tanz im Mai (German for “Dance in May”) is an instrumental polka by Franc Mihelič, one of Slovenia’s most popular and influential accordionists and composers in the Slovenian Folk Music or Oberkrainer style of Alpine Folk Music. Mihelič is a virtuosic Styrian Diatonic Button Accordion player as well as a terrific piano accordionist who has composed many polkas and waltzes that have become commonplace in Alpine Folk Music bands’ repertoires, including “Na ribniškem sejmu“, “Ko harmonika zapoje“. His most popular songs were recorded with Ansambel Franca Miheliča between the 1970s to 1990s which have increased in popularity with time. This is a technical […]

Majski ples – Tanz im Mai (F. Mihelič) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] 続きを読む »

V pomladnih dneh – Luisen Polka (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

This is an instrumental polka by legendary Slovenian popular folk music and Oberkrainer music composer and accordionist Jože Burnik. The Slovenian title “V pomladnih dneh” translates to “In spring days” and was recorded originally in the 1960s by Ansambel Jožeta Burnika, then either in the late 1970s or early 1980s by Alpski Kvinet/Alpenoberkrainer from Slovenia with Jože Burnik. It isn’t widely played, but is really fun to play (and learn), especially in the more challenging F-sharp major key which it was recorded in, so I’ve provided arrangements and accompaniment/backing tracks in both F sharp major, and the less challenging F major key. Sheet music and accompaniment package 📝 Sheet music pdf (F♯

V pomladnih dneh – Luisen Polka (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] 続きを読む »

Für’n Vater (K. Maier) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video]

“Für’n Vater” (or Fürn Voda in Bavarian German dialect, meaning “For father”) is a Boarischer from the 2010s by Kastulus Maier and released by Hallgrafen Musikanten, a Bavarian folk music group which plays an Alpine ‘Tanzlmusi’ style of folk music (translating to ‘Dance music’). This style is known for its use of brass instruments, as well as a nylon string guitar (or sometimes harp) and accordion for rhythm, and is played in the alpine regions of Austria and southern Germany. Hallgrafen Musikanten has become very well known over their 10+ years of existence for their unique compositions, their new take on the traditional Tanzlmusi sound, adding double bass, energetic and

Für’n Vater (K. Maier) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] 続きを読む »

Rosi Polka – Hey Rosi (F. Gressenberger) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video]

“Rosi Polka” or “Hey Rosi” is an energetic instrumental polka featuring just 2 sung words: “Hey Rosi!” and some challenging keyboard runs. It was written by Felix Gressenberger from Austria, who recorded this song with Die 5 Rosentaler in the late 1980s, and with Friedl Lazarus und seine Original Mooskirchner (also known as Mooskirchner Quintett) in the 1990s. This polka has become a staple of Austrian folk music and Oberkrainer music groups’ repertoires, covered in a variety of folk styles such as Echte Volksmusik through to Oberkrainer style trios and quintetts, and performed on either chromatic button accordion, diatonic button accordion (Steirische Harmonika) or the piano accordion. The song continues

Rosi Polka – Hey Rosi (F. Gressenberger) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] 続きを読む »

Grandpa From Kranj Polka (J. Miskulin) [Sheet music]

Joey Miskulin is an incredibly accomplished accordionist and music producer of Slovenian and Croatian roots from the United States. I’ve always known about him for his work with Frankie Yankovic (in the Cleveland-Style Polka genre), although Miskulin has worked with the likes of Johnny Cash, John Denver, and even contributed to the soundtrack for Toy Story 2 with his American Western Swing band “Riders in the Sky“. Recently, Joey recorded an album in Slovenia called “Back to Slovenia“, with Oberkrainer/Alpine music legends including Mike Orešar (Igor in Zlati Zvoki among other ensembles), Maja Šturm Razboršek (Alpski Kvintet) and Oto Pestner (Alpski Kvintet). ‘Grandpa from Kranj’ caught my attention because of

Grandpa From Kranj Polka (J. Miskulin) [Sheet music] 続きを読む »

Pot Pod Noge (M. Kovačič) [Sheet music]

Growing up in the 1990s and most of the 2000s, before YouTube, my only access to Oberkrainer/Alpine music videos was my dad’s video tapes and streaming some very pixelated video from TV Slovenija’s website on dial-up. One of these tapes was simply called “Narodno-zabavna glasba” (Folk-pop music) featuring random Slovenian ensembles from the 1980s, taped from TV Ljubljana back in the day. Among them was Ansambel Borisa Kovačiča with his son Matej Kovačič (better known for his role in the Austrian ensemble Kaiserwälder Musketiere) who is an extraordinary accordion player and composer in the Oberkrainer style. His style of playing, the accordion he used, the arrangements and sound of Boris

Pot Pod Noge (M. Kovačič) [Sheet music] 続きを読む »
