Želja – Wunschtraum walzer (V. Štrucl) [Sheet music] [Play-along audio]

(Updated May 2024)

This is an instrumental waltz by trombonist, composer and conductor, Vinko Štrucl from Slovenia. The Slovenian title translates to “Wish”, and the German title translates to “Wish waltz”. It was first recorded by “Dobri Znanci” in the 1960s then “Slovenski instrumentalni kvintet” (Oberkrainer Sextett Janez Kalšek) in the 1960s and again in the 1970s, featuring Franc Korbar (composer of the song “Domovina”) with his beautiful trumpet playing. It’s one of the first Oberkrainer style waltzes I ever heard, and definitely one of the most beautiful, particularly in the 1970s recording by Oberkrainer Sextett.

Vinko Štrucl composed and arranged many songs for various Oberkrainer style ensembles in the 20th century and even helped Ansambel bratov Avsenik (Avsenik brothers ensemble) stepping in for Nilokaj “Mik” Soss on baritone occasionally, who was Avsenik’s baritone and bass player for most the ensemble’s career. He was also the leader of the Slovenian Police Orchestra.

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1970s recording by Oberkrainer Sextett Janez Kalšek

1960s recording by Oberkrainer Sextett Janez Kalšek

7 thoughts on “Želja – Wunschtraum walzer (V. Štrucl) [Sheet music] [Play-along audio]”

  1. Dear Philip,
    thanks i just wanted to buy “wunschtraumwalzer” but i received info, i have bought Tiroler Buam Polka , wich i dont need. How can i get the “Wunschtraumwalzer

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