Ob blejskem jezeru (F. Mihelič) [Sheet music] [Tutorial]

Ob blejskem jezeru (Slovene to English translation: At Lake Bled) is an instrumental waltz by legendary Slovenian popular-folk and Oberkrainer accordionist Franc Mihelič who is well known for his perfected diatonic button accordion playing and melodic but technical songs such as “Ko harmonika zapoje” and “Na Ribniškem sejmu”. Mihelič has recorded only a handful of songs on the piano accordion over the years (also terrific) but is less known for his Oberkrainer quintett instrumentals. In the 80s and 90s he recorded several albums with his quintett under the same name (Ansambel Franca Miheliča – Ensemble Franz Mihelič). This song is one of his rare quintett instrumental waltzes from his 1993 album which I have reduced to a solo accordion arrangement.

Sheet music:

📝 Sheet music pdf (G)

Learn to play:

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📹 Slow tutorial video (G)

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