Na ples – Auf zum tanz (J. Burnik) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

This is a polka by legendary Slovenian accordionist Jože Burnik who recorded this song with Alpski Kvintet (Alpenoberkrainer) in the late 1970s or early 1980s. It is typically played in a quintett but this is my solo accordion arrangement played to the baritone and guitar track recorded by Brian Pavlic from Canada (baritone) and myself earlier this year (which was made for our quintett collab, linked here). What makes this song challenging is the key of A flat, D flat and G flat, which means a lot of black keys, but I believe it’s definitely achievable with the suggested fingering that I’ve written into my arrangement.

Sheet music:

📝 Sheet music pdf (A♭ key)

🎵 Accompaniment mp3 (A♭ key, 142bpm)


📝 Sheet music pdf (A♭ key) + 🎵 Accompaniment mp3 (A♭ key, 142bpm)

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