This is a Slovenian folk song which is played as an upbeat polka, which roughly translates to “What can I do if I can’t get to the mountain, what can I do if I can’t get to my girl” (based on its lyrics rather than the title alone, for better context).
Avsenik’s recording was one of the earliest of this song (or at least with this interpretation), on the album “Klic z gora” (Call from the mountains) from 1964, followed by similar interpretations by other Slovenian pop-folk or Oberkrainer ensembles throughout the latter half of the 21st century. Quintetts tend to play this in B flat whereas trios featuring the diatonic button accordion can vary, due to the variety of keys that those accordions are tuned in. Other ensembles that recorded this song include Dobri Znanci, Fantje z vseh vetrov and Slovenski muzikantje (Oberkrainer Sextett).
My free arrangement does not feature complex treble runs or chords, but captures the general interpretations of Oberkrainer ensembles from the 60s to 90s who recorded this folk song as an Alpine style polka.
Lyrics are available on
Sheet music:

📝 Free sheet music pdf (B♭ key)