Tam kjer murke cveto – Dort wo das Edelweiss blüht (V. & S. Avsenik) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] [Play-along audio] [Play-along video]

“Tam kjer murke cveto” was released on Avsenik’s first Slovenian LP record of the same name and is one of Avsenik’s most famous waltzes which instantly became a hit with Slovenians around the world. In English it translates to “Where the Murka flower blooms” which refers to the Slovenian Murka flower.


Learn to play’ includes:
– Sheet music pdf in G
– Accompaniment track in G
– Slow tutorial video in G
– Scrolling sheet music video with accompaniment in G

Slavko Avsenik’s grandson Sašo’s band performing “Murke”


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