Fern von dir (D. Novato) [Sheet music]

“Fern von dir” (German for “Far from you”) is an instrumental waltz by Denis Novato, a world champion on the diatonic button accordion with Slovenian and Italian ancestry who hails from the Italian city of Trieste (or ‘Trst’ in Slovenian) and is currently based in Südtirol (South Tyrol) which is the northernmost area in Italy. Both South Tyrol and Trieste are locations where Slovenian/Alpine music, including Slavko Avsenik’s, is frequently performed by folk musicians native to those areas, in the typical Slovenian/Alpine style. The most respected musicians and ensembles from Slovenia and Austria often perform in these areas as well. Denis has won several awards for both the promotion of […]

Fern von dir (D. Novato) [Sheet music] 続きを読む »

Zapleši z mano – Ich denk an dich (D. Novato) [Sheet music]

This is one among the many pretty waltzes written by Denis Novato, Slovenian-Italian world-champion on the diatonic button accordion, his album “Gruß aus Triest”. The Slovenian title translates to “Dance with me” and the German title translates to “I am thinking of you”. Sheet music: 📝 Sheet music pdf (C)

Zapleši z mano – Ich denk an dich (D. Novato) [Sheet music] 続きを読む »
