Cvetje v jeseni (U. Koder) [Sheet music]

‘Cvetje’ or ‘Cvetje v jeseni’ (Flowers in Autumn) was composed by Urban Koder for one of Slovenia’s most popular movies, ‘Cvetje v jeseni’ from 1973. It was recorded by RTV Ljubljana’s Studio Orchestra with one of Slovenia’s most notable zither players, Miha Dovžan, who is also known for his Slovenian folk-pop ensemble Ansambel Mihe Dovžana, as well as his collaboration with Jože Burnik and Lojze Slak. Although this song is not typically played on the accordion, it’s a beautiful song that works well on the accordion. My arrangement skews toward an Alpine/Folk feeling, as I’ve heard a number of Slovenian diatonic button accordion players do a wonderful job on this song, and I thought it might work well on piano (or chromatic button) accordion in an Alpine/Folk style as well.

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