
Ribič Jaka – Liebes Mädchen komm (V. & S. Avsenik) [Sheet music]

‘Ribič Jaka’ is a polka by the Avsenik brothers from Slovenia, which was recorded in at least two different versions throughout the 1960s, with different names. The earlier instrumental version was released on German records as ‘Liebes Mädchen komm’ (Dear girl, come on) with a Slovenian title of ‘Oj, ti Janka’ (Oh, you, Janka), whereas the later version with vocals by Franc Koren and Ema Prodnik was titled ‘Ribič Jaka’ (Fisherman Jaka) and featured on the 1964 Slovenian LP ‘Stari mlin’ (Old mill). To my knowledge, it was never released with German vocals. I first heard it on a German compilation CD of 1960s Avsenik recordings which were originally released […]

Ribič Jaka – Liebes Mädchen komm (V. & S. Avsenik) [Sheet music] 続きを読む »

Gorenjska Polka – Klarinetten Polka (V. & S. Avsenik) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video]

Gorenjska Polka (Slovenian for ‘Polka from Gorenjska‘) or Klarinetten Polka (German for ‘Clarinet Polka’) is an instrumental polka by the legendary Avsenik brothers, Vilko and Slavko Avsenik from Slovenia, dating back to the 1950s (not related to the older ‘Clarinet Polka’ or ‘Polka Dziadek’ from Poland). ‘Gorenjska’ refers to a region in Slovenia known as Upper Carniola in English, or Oberkrain in German. This upbeat polka is usually played by Oberkrainer style quintets instead of trios, featuring a complex clarinet solo in part B, and normally played very fast, sometimes performed as fast as 170bpm by the Avsenik ensemble in some live recordings. Many performances end by repeating part C

Gorenjska Polka – Klarinetten Polka (V. & S. Avsenik) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] 続きを読む »

A Krainer is meiner (S. Binder) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video]

A Krainer is meiner (German rhyming which implies “Oberkrainer music is my passion”) is a popular instrumental polka by Siegi Binder, accordionist from the Lechner Buam, a legendary Oberkrainer style folk music group from the Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) state of Austria. Siegi Binder is a fantastic and successful music teacher, composer, and stage musician who has written many songs for the Lechner Buam. The Lechner Buam performed for 35 years (counting around 2,500 live performances) until 2018, and they are among the highest calibre Oberkrainer style groups from Austria. I first heard them on a video tape of a televised folk music contest hosted by Karl Moik (better known for

A Krainer is meiner (S. Binder) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] 続きを読む »

Majski ples – Tanz im Mai (F. Mihelič) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video]

Majski ples (Slovenian for “May Dance”) or Tanz im Mai (German for “Dance in May”) is an instrumental polka by Franc Mihelič, one of Slovenia’s most popular and influential accordionists and composers in the Slovenian Folk Music or Oberkrainer style of Alpine Folk Music. Mihelič is a virtuosic Styrian Diatonic Button Accordion player as well as a terrific piano accordionist who has composed many polkas and waltzes that have become commonplace in Alpine Folk Music bands’ repertoires, including “Na ribniškem sejmu“, “Ko harmonika zapoje“. His most popular songs were recorded with Ansambel Franca Miheliča between the 1970s to 1990s which have increased in popularity with time. This is a technical

Majski ples – Tanz im Mai (F. Mihelič) [Sheet music] [Tutorial video] 続きを読む »

V prostem času – Freizeit Polka (B. Prešeren) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track]

This is a very unique and beautiful polka by Brane Prešeren (legendary Slovenian trumpet player Ivan Prešeren’s brother) and released by Alpski Kvintet (Alpenoberkrainer) from Slovenia in 1986. The Slovenian title, ‘V prostem času’ means ‘In my spare time’, and the German title, ‘Freizeit’ pretty much means the same thing (‘Spare time’ or ‘Leisure time’). The composer is also the mastermind behind some of Alpski Kvintet’s most unique and energetic instrumentals such as Ob šilcu slivovke (Oberkrainer Slivowitz) and Ko sonce vzhaja (Morgensonne), and many of his compositions excellently showcased his brother Ivan’s virtuosity on the trumpet. It features a melody that could be considered perhaps a little jazzy or

V prostem času – Freizeit Polka (B. Prešeren) [Sheet music] [Accompaniment track] 続きを読む »

Slovenian Home Polka – Moj Prijatelj (M. Hoyer) [Sheet music]

Slovenian Home Polka is a popular Slovenian-American or Cleveland-Style polka, originally released as “Moj Prijatelj” (Slovenian for “My friend”) and was written by Matija Arko (also known as Matt Hoyer), a Slovenian from Sodražica who migrated to the United States and settled in Cleveland in the 1910s. Matt Hoyer made a name for himself as one of the earliest Slovenian recording artists, and a pioneer of Slovenian polkas and waltzes in America (known as Cleveland-Style Polkas) (long before Frankie Yankovic). Performing both the Chromatic Button Accordion, and the Styrian Diatonic Button Accordion (Steirische Harmonika), together with the Hoyer Trio he released over 100 instrumentals on the Columbia and Victor record

Slovenian Home Polka – Moj Prijatelj (M. Hoyer) [Sheet music] 続きを読む »
