Sehnsuchtswalzer (German for “Waltz of longing”) was recorded by legendary Slovenian folk music and Oberkrainer music composer and accordionist, Jože Burnik, and one of Slovenia’s most popular zither players, Miha Dovžan, in the early 1990s. Burnik was the accordion player in Alpski Kvintet (Alpenoberkrainer) from Slovenia throughout the 1970s, who later performed with other Austrian ensembles including Heimatlandecho. Dovžan has released many albums with his own ensemble, Ansambel Mihe Dovžana, as well as collaborated across different styles and groups including with Lojze Slak, Jože Burnik, and performed the zither on the soundtrack of Slovenia’s most popular film, Cvetje v jeseni. Interestingly, before Burnik joined Alpski Kvintet, Burnik and Dovžan played in a trio (Trio Jožeta Burnika) featuring Miha Dovžan and Ivanka Kraševec as vocalists.
The original recording of this instrumental featured the melody played mostly on zither, whereas my arrangement tries to capture the general feeling that Burnik is known for, on the accordion, across all 3 parts of the song.
P.S I’m attempting to start creating backing tracks again, starting with this waltz. I hope you like it. 🙂
Sheet music and accompaniment package
📝 Sheet music pdf (F major) + 🎵 Accompaniment mp3 (F major, 204bpm)
Sheet music

📝 Sheet music pdf (F major)
Accompaniment track
🎵 Accompaniment mp3 (F major, 204bpm)